Musings from the Heart-The Energy of Obstacles


The Energy of Obstacles

August 13, 2016

“Being stuck” is a common human experience in today’s complicated world. It is also a wonderful opportunity to understand one way that energy works. When one is “stuck,” the tendency is to remain in that perception and forget we are having the entire experience from that foundational perception. If there is a major obstacle, we tend to push, and exert energy in only that one direction.

However, this type of energy has a fundamental aspect of its own vibrational movement – back and forth, in and out, wave-like essence.

When we are “stuck,” this energy builds up, and we can experience frustration, anger, depression, helplessness, and self-doubt; all of which are unpleasant, causing friction from the build-up. This is merely creating encouragement and momentum for a release back to balance of more peaceful, natural energetic movement. Understanding this aspect provides us with an easier way to become “unstuck,” using this very same energy.

One aspect of the energy of an obstacle is to “push back.” We may perceive this as resistance, but it is merely another reminder of the fundamental nature of this energy: to exist freely in its natural wave-like essence.

When we understand this aspect, we can create without obstacles, our consciousness easily aligns with this energy’s nature….FLOW. Choosing to create from a place of Divine Love removes all limits and allows the Intelligence of Divine Love to flourish and permeate our experience. ~Wendy Joy Tuttle~

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