Musings from the Heart: Free Choice

June 24, 2012

Musings from the Heart:Free Choice

As Souls, our very essence is Unconditional Love. When we choose to enter the physical plane, much of our Divinity arrives with us. Inherent in that Divinity is the ability to choose freely, without fear and judgement. Providing the opportunity to experience free choice in the physical world is exercising our Divine ability to create. Remembering this daily allows us to connect more often with our SoulSelf, and through that awareness, empower ourselves to consistently make better and more loving choices.
As Souls, we exist in Unconditional Love – with no conditions and no limits. As Souls, true free choice on the physical plane translates as ALL choices. Hence, we have suffering, trauma, and cruelty available as choices, allowing us to experience empathy, compassion, and courage, as well as Joy, fun, and contentment.
When we are truly challenged, fearful, and disconnected, the choice we CAN make is to remember we are always free to choose our FOCUS. As human beings, we can instantly change our focus, just by remembering we can. Merely attempting this gives Soul the opening to shift our perceptions and continue to change our awareness of ourselves AND the experience. Once a shift is made, each successive shift empowers us to make more, until we are comfortably connected to Soul and clarity is reachable. Now, even more choices are available.
As this understanding becomes our state of awareness more frequently during interactions and challenging situations, we are now able to choose our focus more readily and effortlessly. Thus, in turn allowing us the opportunity to connect with the experience of others, we can know of THEIR focus, and make better informed choices.                                      ~Wendy Tuttle~


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