Musings from the Heart ~ Gratitude

February 21, 2012

Gratitude provides us with an enhanced dimension of experience. To begin the experience of gratitude merely requires a shift in perception. Making the choice to shift your perception to include gratitude during an event, experience, or trauma, is a perceptual shift, in and of itself. This act of Trust allows SoulSelf to shift your awareness to include Gratitude in a manner perfect in time for you. Your awareness of the presence of Gratitude allows self-judgement, fear, confusion, and self-doubt to recede.

The greater your focus is on the presence of Gratitude, the more empowering and unlimited your choices become. The greater your awareness of unlimited choices becomes, the more you will experience true Freedom. This state of awareness connects you clearly and Joyously to Soul….an experience for which to be truly grateful….

                                                     ~Wendy JoyTuttle~



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