Angry World? Clear it up, soul by soul

If you are feeling a little run down from all the ire hanging like a cloud of acid rain, polluting your true self, you are not alone.

There is a huge amount of energy coming at us, says Tuttle, and it is very important that we all collaborate in finding ways to disperse it.

“We have been provided anger as a tool of our emotional experience. We are given those tools to create something. And many times we forget we also are given the freedom of choice to use those tools,” she says.

“Anger gets tamed by understanding. If we are disconnected of our true self and not trusting our divine soul, we feel afraid and can lash out,” Wendy explains.

Tuttle says that we humans lose our tempers because we are looking for validation that, yes, we are loved. “The more you are connected to the community, to their souls, the easier it is to understand yourself; the easier it is to understand others, to put judgment aside and just plain love.”

Tuttle says that each and every soul of each and every person in the world gets to vote on this situation; and the more votes toward divine self, harmony and love, the faster the world can get to a more unpolluted, uncontaminated, wholesome love state.

Put fears aside, reconnect with your soul and choose loving and understanding
“It is natural to feel compassion for others when we allow ourselves to love ourselves. The more individuals who make that choice, the easier it is for our souls to make a shift to harmony in the physical, worldly realm, and love one another,” Wendy explains.

It is because we live in fear, doubt, disconnection, that is harder for all the souls to choose loving and understanding.

“People are desperate and cannot see that the light is, and has always been, there. Everyone has a beautiful soul that is unique. Some times they forget who they are… but when they get back in touch with that divine true self they can change because they are expressing their true, unique, loving self,” says Wendy.

It all starts with self-realization and empowering yourself to be the one who chooses to listen to your soul that is pure love and comes from a divine source.

It starts with choosing to move past fear and make a perceptual shift. “The soul will follow you, will be there for you. It’s that simple: the soul makes the choice to go along with you. When you finally get it, it’s magnificent because your soul helps you integrate this into every experience you have,” explains the soul blender.

Wendy says that most of us understand than when someone starts yelling, for example, they are coming from a negative place, from circumstances where they are not loving themselves. And we have the power to step in a bad situation and make it right.

“Our eternal self knows that we don’t have to be like that. If we are at peace, we can connect to our soul, we can give ourselves permission to love and be loved, to choose better, to do better, to live better. And whenever you’ve made good decisions, which come directly from your soul, you are not distraught or angry; you are in a good place,” she says.

What is missing from most people’s lives is the feeling of love, of belonging, of contributing in a positive way, Wendy explains. And she says that a lot of us are tired, but if we can and choose to let go of fear and doubt, and remember our true selves, remember that each of us is already a perfect soul… You just have to remember who you are and bring it to the physical realm. If you do that, things will work out just fine.

“Our nature is unconditional love and to generate more love. If we choose to believe someone is sucking us dry, draining our positive energy, we can create the manifestation of that kind of experience. People who are in trauma focus on their emotional self and that is what drains them… when we step into someone else’s situation and we are focused on the emotional self, we can feel what that person is feeling and if it is a “negative” emotion , it can make you feel drained.

Emotions like joy and happiness are actually more in line with our soul, with our true self, and that’s why we don’t feel drained when we experience them. You don’t have to take on the emotions of others. If you stay connected to your soul, it will give you awareness, so you won’t judge that other person and you won’t take their garbage, you only interact with their true self, with their soul, and you get to interact on a more loving way,” explains Wendy.

The road to miracles starts with your soul
The Soul Blender says that the more people that say:

I choose to love myself;

I choose to have compassion for myself;

I choose to have compassion for others;

The more this world will be giving.

“And if everybody remembers to do that, maybe once a day, and if at that moment you allow yourself to remember your true self, the whole world would change. And than there would be no limits, all souls would be looking for wonderful and miraculous experiences,” Wendy says.

And she adds: “You can never be truly lost, only distracted by your surroundings.”

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