Musings from the Heart : Unconditional Love

August 23, 2013       Unconditional Love needs no name, has no limits, has no needs, can only expand, ……and is the Source of YOU.                                                    ~Love inspiration from Wendy~   Read More

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Musings from the Heart~Self Judgement

February 17, 2013 ~Self Judgement~ Waste not time in judgement of yourself when experiencing anger, fear, or pain. In those moments you are most vulnerable, you offer Soul the greatest opportunity to Love you Unconditionally. Judging yourself less, allows you to experience more Truth in your anger, fear, or pain. Your humanity is treasured by […]

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Unconditional Love in Relationships

January 24, 2013 Unconditional Love in Relationships To experience Unconditional Love in relationships, choose to Love Self first. Be consistent in honoring this choice. Consistency will be responsible for preventing dependency and manipulation in the relationship. We are Divine beings expressed in this physical world. In those moments when we truly Love Self Unconditionally, we […]

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Challenges of Life

January 10, 2013 Challenges of Life When approaching a challenge, do not fear failure, rather remember you have made a choice that Soul will support with great Love. The human self tends to focus on the goal/outcome. As a Soul, you want and desire All the human experience of that choice. In experiencing Any challenge, […]

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Musings from the Heart: A Smiling Heart

July 10, 2012 A Smiling Heart A recent comment by a friend referred to ‘smiling on the inside.’ Upon reflection, I remembered that ‘smiling on the inside’ has been natural for me since early childhood memories. I recall a number of times I was criticized (even as an adult) for smiling too much. There were […]

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Musings from the Heart: Free Choice

June 24, 2012 Musings from the Heart:Free Choice As Souls, our very essence is Unconditional Love. When we choose to enter the physical plane, much of our Divinity arrives with us. Inherent in that Divinity is the ability to choose freely, without fear and judgement. Providing the opportunity to experience free choice in the physical […]

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Musings from the Heart ~ Window Dressing

March 11, 2012 Window dressing can be beautiful, attractive, and trend – setting, but is intended to be changed. When interacting with others, have you ever paused to consider THEIR window dressing? If we see beyond the window’s dressing, is there empty space remaining, or clarity? Is there the perceived emptiness that holds Truth, and […]

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Musings from the Heart ~ Emotions and Thoughts

March 8, 2012 It is confusing for us when a loving, peaceful life with joyous ‘SoulGrowth’ becomes beleaguered by emotions and thoughts. At this time, so many individuals are experiencing emotions and thoughts at a depth and quantity that is overwhelming. This allows self-judgement to become an over-arching participant and “director” of that experience. Remember […]

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