Musings from the Heart ~ Gratitude

February 21, 2012 Gratitude provides us with an enhanced dimension of experience. To begin the experience of gratitude merely requires a shift in perception. Making the choice to shift your perception to include gratitude during an event, experience, or trauma, is a perceptual shift, in and of itself. This act of Trust allows SoulSelf to […]

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Musings from the Heart ~Validation

February 1, 2012 Validation is a challenge for us as rational, embodied beings, and as Souls. We look for validation, meaning to look outside our Self, to others…that make judgements based upon their perceptions…drawing us further from our inner Self. This is normal in our current world, and repeatedly reinforced by societal institutions, such as […]

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Musings from the Heart ~ Forgiveness

October 30, 2011 Why is it so difficult to completely forgive, to release blame, hurt, and anger? Forgiveness is merely an understanding of the Truth, once we have removed judgement. In the fullness of Love, right and wrong melt away, along with the barriers to connecting with each other, and more especially, our Self. ~Wendy […]

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Musings from the Heart ~Anger leads to Peace

October 26, 2011 Anger leads to Peace. There may be many detours, but when anger has served its purpose, it dissipates. What remains? Peace….. If we judge what we experience in anger, it is normal to react with pain, fear, blame, and resentment, walling ourselves in, once again…inviting self-doubt to surround us, leaving the back […]

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