Musings from the Heart~LOVE our Planet Energy

LOVE our Planet Energy March 18, 2019   Divine Soul Essence has provided us the opportunity to create an experience with Earth. As humans, cooperation and respect for resources is loving, and self-sustaining. To contribute to the well-being and expansion of our planet, connecting within ourselves will allow better connection to all. Choosing to live […]

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~Rational Aspect of Healing~

  Musings from the Heart Rational Aspect of Healing February 1, 2017 The human body is magnificent, more than capable of miracles in the worst of circumstances. There are many glorious discoveries waiting to enhance our well-being, and allow the body to expand towards its full potential. When the body chooses the best path for […]

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~The Potential of Money~

  ~The Potential of Money~ November 18, 2016 Presently in our world, societal perception of money influences our community attitude, as a basis for possessiveness, greed, fear, and lack of abundance. Truly, money is merely an expression of energy, represents many things, and provides many choices. Our very language provides insight when we use the […]

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Musings from the Heart – LOVE our EARTH

LOVE our EARTH October 11, 2016 Each day, pause for a few moments to acknowledge Mother Earth. Even in an office building, her surface anonymously supports you, her atmosphere gives you air to breathe, and her gravity allows you to sit at your desk. Be still for a moment. In gratitude, breathe with her earthbeat, […]

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Musings from the Heart – Complexity

Musings from the Heart   Complexity February 19, 2014 As we have developed the human rational mind, complexity has become an interesting component. This unique aspect of the rational mind construct fits easily into today’s advanced world. Often, the rational mind thrives on complexity, which provides activity, stimulation, and engagement. This then provides the third-dimensional perception […]

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Musings from the Heart-The Energy of Obstacles

  The Energy of Obstacles August 13, 2016 “Being stuck” is a common human experience in today’s complicated world. It is also a wonderful opportunity to understand one way that energy works. When one is “stuck,” the tendency is to remain in that perception and forget we are having the entire experience from that foundational […]

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Musings from the Heart-New Dimensional Shifting

July 16, 2016  In life, shifting our perceptions is an empowering experience, but the greatest power exists between “gears.” Soul “power” is greatest when our perceptions do not interfere with our potential. Often, we are unaware of changing our perceptions until something outside of us reflects back to us differently. It is then that we […]

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Musings from the Heart – Soul Fundamental of Healing

June 18, 2016 Soul Fundamental of Healing “Healing” is merely a perception we use to stimulate our reception to the many choices awaiting us IN that experience. For those studying, working and practicing to be healers, Soul asks you to remember what you already know in a new manner. As humans, we search for understanding, […]

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Love Connection to Nature

As humans, recognizing the Light of Divine LOVE in Any one of us will always create more LOVE. A delightful aspect of choosing to LOVE on the physical plane is our connection with Nature and all creatures. This connection provides the opportunity to easily experience gentleness and compassion in a most profound way.  ~Wendy Joy […]

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