Musings from the Heart – Complexity

Musings from the Heart  


February 19, 2014

As we have developed the human rational mind, complexity has become an interesting component. This unique aspect of the rational mind construct fits easily into today’s advanced world. Often, the rational mind thrives on complexity, which provides activity, stimulation, and engagement. This then provides the third-dimensional perception of useful existence, and therefore validation. Complexity has become a lynchpin in the structure of the rational mind experience. This is a challenge for the Soul in expanding the dimensional awareness of the rational mind.

However, the more complex an experience or situation, the more difficult it is to not be caught up in the complexity. The very nature of the rational mind is to question, analyze, and solve; easily drawn back to engage again and again. As we choose to develop our Divine Self- awareness, the rational mind’s attraction to complexity becomes an intriguing challenge for Soul.

As humans, our challenge is to recognize complexity as merely an option, not a necessity to exist. The development of SoulSelf awareness provides the opportunity for an expansion of the rational mind, and the freedom to engage in a new dimensional experience.

Now is the time to make the Soul choice from your Heart,

“ I no longer require complexity to validate my existence.” ~Wendy Joy Tuttle~



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