Musings from the Heart : Living Love with our Children

June 6, 2012

 The example of Love you live for your children is one of the greatest gifts you will ever give. To truly give something to our children, we must first know it/be it within ourselves. In today’s world, fear often prevents us from knowing/loving our true Self, making it difficult to experience or give “authentic” Love to another. “Authentic” SelfLove includes self respect, allowing healthy boundaries to be chosen. When we demonstrate the values of healthy boundaries, we encourage our children to navigate their world from a place of confidence and self-worth. This is a gift of the heart, as “authentic” SelfLove   is Unconditional Love. Each of us exists with Unconditional Love at our core essence. When we choose to focus on our Unconditional Love essence, our children naturally resonate with their own. We have now offered our children an awareness of limitless Self-empowerment and SelfLove. Truly, it is a Joy to give the gift of understanding how to choose SelfLove to our children, when the “price” is merely to choose it for our Selves.                                          ~Wendy Joy Tuttle~


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