Musings from the Heart: Maintaining the Soul Connection, Day to Day

April 3, 2012

As physical entities, why do we view maintaining the Soul Connection on a daily basis as a monumental challenge? Our judgement surrounding a perfect moment of insight, or amazing moments with Soul tends to separate it from day-to-day events. The rational mind, in its normal functioning has difficulty processing the fullness of the experience, and ultimately fears its inability to recreate the experience in detailed memory.

It is normal for us to focus on our purpose as divine beings: having a “physical” experience. The very nature of that focus often requires us to become so deeply involved, we forget our Selves…a perfectly wonderful and freeing choice, because we ARE eternal.

When we have those indescribable Soul “interactions”, our SELF is reminding our SELF how deeply we are Loved, and empowering us to effortlessly choose more of that Divine awareness day to day. Embracing that opportunity without judging ourselves, lets SoulSelf know we are ready to experience that Joy day to day, in whatever way is perfect for us. Lack of judging Self lets Soul know you are willing to TRUST in your Soul’s Divine wisdom and ability to Love its physical Self. If only for a moment, choosing to let go of self– judgement provides a “space” in your awareness for Soul to “turn up the volume” of your connection to SoulSelf, every day. If you exist, you are “connected” to/are your Soul ;if you want more continuity, allow your Soul “more space” in your comfort zone.

                                                   ~Wendy Joy Tuttle~


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