Musings from the Heart – Soul Fundamental of Healing

June 18, 2016

Soul Fundamental of Healing

“Healing” is merely a perception we use to stimulate our reception to the many choices awaiting us IN that experience. For those studying, working and practicing to be healers, Soul asks you to remember what you already know in a new manner. As humans, we search for understanding, but become easily distracted by information. Information can be helpful if it keeps the rational mind stimulated to continue its search. When the search is not limited to information, perceptual shifts become easier, and more frequent. It is then that the search can expand beyond information.

As for “true healing,” and all that we hope it to be, you must “have it” in the first place, to give/facilitate it. Because we are all ONE, you must first give LOVE and healing to yourself, then to the other (person you are working on/receiving the healing), because you ARE! the other person!! ~Wendy Joy Tuttle~


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